FHA Streamline Refinance Program

FHA Streamline Refinance Program

FHA streamline refinance program is designed to lower the monthly principal and interest payments on a current FHA-insured mortgage. The new loan must involve no cash back to the borrower, except for minor adjustments at closing, not to exceed $500.

New FHA guidelines changes does not require an appraisal on a FHA streamline refinance. FHA does not require a credit report on a FHA streamline refinance. FHA does not require a minimum credit score to qualify on a FHA streamline refinance. Effective on or after April 18, 2011, FHA no longer requires employment and income verification on the FHA streamline refinance program.

A borrower is eligible for a FHA streamline refinance without credit qualifying if they have made their last 12 months mortgage payment on time and your current mortgage is an FHA loan.

  • No minimum credit score to qualify
  • No appraisal required
  • No credit report required
  • No income verification
  • No employment verification
  • No asset verification

Individuals may be deleted from the title on a streamline refinance if the remaining owner-occupant can demonstrate that he/she has made the mortgage payments during this time.

To qualify for a FHA streamline there must be a net tangible benefit to the homeowner. Net tangible benefit is defined as a 5% reduction to the principal and interest (P&I) of the mortgage payment plus the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP) or refinancing from an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) to a fixed rate mortgage.

  • the borrower must have made at least six payments
  • mortgage being refinanced at least six full months must have passed since the first payment due date of the refinanced mortgage
  • at least 210 days must have passed from the closing date of the mortgage being refinanced

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www.MORTGAGE-WORLD.com LLC is an online mortgage company specializing in FHA loans for first time home buyers.

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FHA lowered its

Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP)

to just .01 percent


reduce its annual premium to .55 percent

FHA Streamline Refinance Program

Call us 888.958.5382

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FHA Streamline Refinance Requirements

To qualify for a streamline refinance your current mortgage must be a FHA mortgage

No Minimum Credit Score Required

There are no minimum credit scores required to qualify for a streamline refinance

No credit score required

No Appraisal Required

There is no appraisal required to qualify for a streamline refinance

No appraisal required

No employment verification

You don't even have to have a job they don't verify it

No employment required

No credit report required

You must have 12 months on time mortgage payments

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